Well, we went to the doctor on Monday for a check-up, and the doctor confirmed that these Braxton Hicks contractions have in fact been doing something. Sarah is currently 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Apparently, I made quite the face when he said that, because Sarah just started laughing. I looked at the doctor […]
It’s Different This Time
This morning I woke up and was going through my normal routine in bed: check email, check Twitter, check Facebook, read blogs, update iPhone Apps, check Twitter again and prepare to get out of bed. And then one of the Pregnancy Apps that I have on my phone sent a notification that we were now […]
Being Pregnant Again After Losing Children
We’ve had about thirteen weeks to be sitting with this idea of being pregnant after Micah & Judah…sometimes it feels similar to our first pregnancy. Sometimes it feels much different. I told someone we were pregnant a few weeks ago; I don’t remember where we were, but they asked, “So is this your first?” Again, […]
The Journey Begins Again
Today I want to share with you all that we are pregnant again. We just returned from our 12-week ultrasound; everything looks good and we are shooting for a January 9 due date. This is something that we’re definitely excited about, although it does carry with it a ton of emotions after losing our boys […]
Joy Amidst Sadness
The past month has been an interesting time for us. As many of you probably know, our official singleton due date was March 20, but we never really felt like that was our real due date. We never really knew when Micah and Judah would be born, but we were told to be ready by […]
18 Weeks, 5 Days
So I’m having a hard time figuring out exactly how many weeks and days we are at – but according to our iPhone App, this is officially 18 Weeks and 5 days. Sarah got a haircut today and so we thought we’d take another picture. Below you’ll see Sadie trying to talk to the babies […]
Week 18
Just a brief update now that we are in Week 18. We had a few weeks where Sarah was feeling good, and that was great. But they didn’t stay long. Instead of the 2nd trimester bringing relief and a passing of the whole “feeling like crap” days for Sarah, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Rather, the […]
The Incubator is…still…incubating…
Being pregnant is hard work. I don’t know that from first hand experience, and I certainly am the first to say that I have no idea what it must be like to have your body go through so many changes and to be incubating two little people inside of you. So kudos to my wife! […]
Second Trimester Update
Yesterday marked the first day of the second trimester. And to all of you who said that Sarah would magically start feeling better as soon as the second trimester began…I say, “Liars!” Just kidding – but we are still waiting for that second trimester magic to kick in. We heard that with twins it could […]
An Update on The Incubator
Sarah has taken to calling herself the “incubator” – and for good reason. She’s got two little buns in that oven of hers. She has gotten quite fond of saying, “Hey – incubating is HARD work.” As I shared two weeks ago, we had some scares of early complications with some bleeding that Sarah had. […]