A friend sent this to me a few weeks ago, and as I watched it, and as I reflected on my own journey through infant loss, I remembered the first few weeks after we lost the boys, when I was just doing a ton of reading. For some reason, it was both cathartic and therapeutic […]
What They Don’t Talk about at Birthing Classes
As many of you know, last weekend we were at birthing classes all weekend at the hospital where we will be having Caleb sometime in the next four weeks(!). They were helpful, we saw a lot of videos of births and learned about some possible situations that folks might not be expecting (e.g. emergency c-section). […]
Holding Hope: Guidance for Grieving Pregnancy Loss During Advent
A Presbyterian minister who we went to Columbia Theological Seminary with has put together an Advent devotional specifically for those grieving pregnancy loss. It is called Holding Hope: Guidance for Grieving Pregnancy Loss During Advent and was written by Ashley-Anne Masters. This is the first type of devotional I’ve seen specifically for those dealing with […]
What We Learned From the Visit to the Perinatologist
Last week Sarah and I went to meet with a perinatologist. As I wrote last week, I was a bit nervous about the appointment and about the information that we would learn. But the appointment went about as well as could be expected and so I thought I’d just share a bit about it here. […]