A few weeks ago, Rainn Wilson (also known as Dwight from the Office) tweeted about some children’s music by Renee & Jeremy. I wasn’t familiar with them (hell, I’m not really very familiar with a lot of children’s music), but I decided to give them a try. After listening to a few of them, I […]
Standing in the Wake of Devastation
The time that we spent in the hospital 3 weeks ago seems like a blur. After we had received the news from the doctor that the pregnancy had to be ended, they started Sarah on the drugs that would induce labor. They also gave her something to help her sleep. We were in Walnut Creek, […]
Sweet Baby Dreams
We all have different memories attached to our childhood. Certain foods we loved, songs our parents sang to us when we had a hard time getting to sleep, etc. One thing that I carried with me through childhood was this tape I always listened to called “Sweet Baby Dreams.” This tape is filled with instrumental […]