In case you hadn’t seen the recent video, Caleb is a walker. Like, seriously. He won’t stop walking. He started taking a few more steps on Christmas morning, and then kept getting better and better during the day after Christmas, and now he’s a pro. It’s weird. Sarah keeps walking around the house saying, “Where’s […]
Sharing a Moment with Caleb
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, and I think most of that has to do with how busy our lives have been. Caleb is 11 months old now, continues to grow, to gain more and more curiosity about the world, to get faster and faster with his crawling and steadier and steadier on his feet. […]
Something Weird That Happens When I Feed Caleb
I call this photo “Adam 0, Caleb + Sweet Potatoes 1.” I generally try to keep the hands out of the whole feeding process, but that’s generally fighting a battle that I can’t win. Some days are better than others…this dinner last night was one where he wanted to take control a bit. So, I […]
How to Survive Your First Flight with a Baby
I still remember the flight. I was in college and there was a woman across the aisle from me with a baby. A baby who was crying. And screaming. And being incredibly difficult to control. You could tell the mother was doing everything she could to calm her baby, but to no avail. And the […]
Aren’t Baby Bath Times Magical…?
Before you read anything here…watch the video above. … Did you watch it? Now, tell me – is that what your baby’s first bath experience was like? Ours was VERY different. I also have it on video, and it certainly did not look like the above video. But…we can acknowledge that the video above is […]
PregMANcy: A Dad, A Little Dude, and a Due Date
I don’t know Christian Piatt (other than through Twitter recently). But I’m a sucker for memoirs…and his is as good as any I’ve read. Just in time for Father’s Day, Christian’s new book “PregMANcy: A Dad, A Little Dude, and a Due Date” is a wonderful memoir about Christian getting ready to be a dad […]
A Different Baby at Night
I think we were getting spoiled for awhile by the fact that Caleb was sleeping through the night for a few weeks. It was pretty awesome. Put him down around 6-7pm, and then he wouldn’t wake up until around 6-7am. Really, really awesome. Sarah and I both got an evening to do what we wanted, […]
Using The Fray’s “Be Still” as a Lullaby
The past week has been a bit of a killer when it comes to trying to get Caleb to sleep…last night I put him down three times (and he was asleep all three times), only to have him wake up again about 10 minutes later. Which is a total. Bummer. I’ve never been good with […]
Falling in Love All Over Again…Every Day
Two nights ago, it was my turn to put Caleb to bed. So I got the bottle, turned on the white noise, turned the lights off, swaddled him up, got into the rocking chair and started feeding him. 8oz later, he was still wide awake. Not. Cool. So I tried some rocking, some pacifier-ing, some […]
Caleb Elijah • 12/30/11 • 8lbs 4oz
At this point, many of you probably know that Caleb entered our lives 8 days ago, on December 30, 2011. Apparently he instinctually knew that his parents could use the tax credit for 2011, and was gracious enough to join us just over a week ahead of his January 8 due date. I will share […]