This story will wreck you. Good lord. Maybe not what I should have listened to when I drove to work this morning with Caleb in the carseat. Quite an amazing story – beautifully done by Radiolab – and worth listening to. Of course, it brings up all sorts of questions for me and Micah and […]
Caleb Discovers his Vocal Chords
Yesterday was hilarious. Well, two days ago Caleb began making some louder noises than usual. We’ve been able to get him laughing recently (it’s this hilarious guttural laugh that I have yet to get a really good video of) but these were just sounds he was making on his own. Two nights ago, his noises were […]
A Different Baby at Night
I think we were getting spoiled for awhile by the fact that Caleb was sleeping through the night for a few weeks. It was pretty awesome. Put him down around 6-7pm, and then he wouldn’t wake up until around 6-7am. Really, really awesome. Sarah and I both got an evening to do what we wanted, […]
Getting @Honest about Diapers
Alright. So, it’s time to get honest about diapers. Sarah and I had thought a lot about diapers before Caleb came along…I asked for advice here on this blog and on Facebook & Twitter, and Sarah did a TON of research into all the available options when it came to disposables/cloth/hybrids/etc. We eventually settled on […]
I Like to Kiss my Son
I like to kiss my son. And of course, by the above photo, you can tell that he likes it. But seriously…I like to kiss my son. There are so many spots on a baby that are just so cute and precious and kissable. His cheeks, his ears, his chin, his forehead, the top of […]
Video Update of Caleb Elijah
Just put together a quick video of some video shots from the past week or two. I love this kid so much – so cute, so much expression…I can see why people say they miss this age, and how it goes by so quickly.
Hi, my name is Adam, and I am an iParent
[audio:] Press play and listen while you read this post. And be prepared for super-cuteness around the 46 second mark. My iPhone is almost out of space with photos and videos of Caleb. It’s not that I don’t spend time WITH my son, but the kid is just so damn cute and makes the funniest, […]
Some Sights & Sounds of Caleb’s First Month
I threw this together in about 30 minutes on my iPhone. Pretty cool. This is for those of you who wanted to hear some of Caleb’s crying…and his general cuteness.
The Sacrament of the Present Moment
In college, I read a book by a French Catholic Jesuit, Jean Pierre de Caussade (1675–1751) called The Sacrament of the Present Moment (it’s a short book, and one that I’d highly recommend reading). It’s something that has been coming back into my mind recently as I think about these holy moments that we have with Caleb […]
Caleb Elijah • 12/30/11 • 8lbs 4oz
At this point, many of you probably know that Caleb entered our lives 8 days ago, on December 30, 2011. Apparently he instinctually knew that his parents could use the tax credit for 2011, and was gracious enough to join us just over a week ahead of his January 8 due date. I will share […]