Being pregnant is hard work. I don’t know that from first hand experience, and I certainly am the first to say that I have no idea what it must be like to have your body go through so many changes and to be incubating two little people inside of you. So kudos to my wife! It’s been a rough pregnancy so far, and we were hoping that as we passed the magical first trimester threshold, that everything would just “magically” go away.
But that day came.
And that day went – and Sarah felt the same. In fact, after having one pretty good day – she started to feel even worse as she started the second trimester. Plus she got to deal with a few days of some pretty intense dizziness and we got to go spend an hour seeing the most unhelpful OB/GYN doctor in the world (luckily not Sarah’s regular doctor). It was amazing how unhelpful she was – sometimes you have to wonder if people like that actually TRY to be that unhelpful.
At any rate, everything is fine with the babies. They continue to be doing well – although sometimes Sarah thinks they’re mad or something because they keep making Sarah not feel well. Sarah wasn’t dizzy yesterday and so we hope that the dizziness stays away and that some of her other symptoms start to go away as well. We go see Sarah’s doctor again next week and then we have another ultrasound set up for mid-October – so we’ll get some more pictures of Dwayne & Wayne up on after that.
Thanks everyone for following along on our journey toward parenthood…on one hand, 5-6 months sounds like a long time away – but I know that it’s going to come much sooner than I can imagine. If you haven’t already, I’d encourage you to subscribe to my RSS feed here, follow me on Twitter at @adamwc or friend me on Facebook here. Thanks!
I have that too, although I guess it’s not really dizziness so much as weakness. Like I can’t even stand up, my heart races, etc…I think it’s positional, depending on what the babies are pressing on or something. Your uterus grows and smashes everything, and everything gets shifted. Plus your blood volume increases, the amount of fluid you need changes, blah, blah, blah. Doctors keep telling me it’s common. Tell her to hang in there. Twin pregnancy is HARD!