Sarah has taken to calling herself the “incubator” – and for good reason. She’s got two little buns in that oven of hers. She has gotten quite fond of saying, “Hey – incubating is HARD work.” As I shared two weeks ago, we had some scares of early complications with some bleeding that Sarah had. It had gone away for almost a full week and then came back last week one night. No matter how many times we’ve gone in after these incidents and seen the ultrasounds being completely normal – it still freaks me out. This all makes me wonder if I’m going to turn into one of those parents who freaks out at the very slightest thing that happens to their kid and is always running to the doctor. Sarah is probably nodding her head as she reads this – but hopefully that won’t really be the case.
At any rate – those were some pretty scary moments, and we are very grateful for the prayers and good vibes sent our way from all of our friends, family and others who may have seen our post that week.
Perhaps some folks wouldn’t have put such personal information online for the world to see. But the best part about being honest & transparent about what’s going on with our pregnancy, has been the people who have sought us out and sent us emails or Facebook messages about facing similar health issues during their pregnancies.
To hear from others that they have gone through similar situations has been the thing that has calmed our fears and nerves more than anything any of the doctors or nurses could have told us. Granted, everyone is different and no pregnancy is exactly alike, but we’re still so thankful for you sharing your stories with us.
Adam and Sarah – 14 years ago our second pregnancy was twins. I will tell you it is all sacary! In our case, the multiples made it really difficult on Meg. She spent the last four months on bedrest and medication to prevent premature contractions. Everything turned out fine, although at the time you couldn’t have told us that! Our prayers are with you and know that this is a tension filled time but is also glorious. Blessings to you all.
A good friend of mine used to say that being pregnant is like climbing a mountain every day. Its true! All the more so with twins – Sarah is climbing Half Dome every day. (And soon she will feel like she IS Half Dome). 😉 So, we will all pray, send good vibes, help out where we can (let me know if/when/how I can). And Sarah will do the hard work she needs to do to rest, eat well, sleep and incubate!
My good friends experienced bleeding multiple times with all three of their pregnancies. It scared them too! Each of their ultrasounds showed that everything was fine. At the end each of the children were perfect when they were born.
Being a recent new dad I have jumped at new sounds, and worried about little things I heard or said, but it is slowly getting better. It does not take long to get used to the new sounds.
I referred to my wife a few times as a “Glorified Crock Pot” when she was pregnant. It is hard work to slow cook to perfection.