Just a brief update now that we are in Week 18. We had a few weeks where Sarah was feeling good, and that was great. But they didn’t stay long. Instead of the 2nd trimester bringing relief and a passing of the whole “feeling like crap” days for Sarah, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Rather, the 2nd trimester just brought a different set of problems and ways for her to feel like crap.
Someone told Sarah last week that you often forget how horrible pregnancy was (if you had a bad one) about 30 seconds after seeing your baby. I think that’s what she’s hoping for…
Below you will see our “equal opportunity belly shots.” The real one is below – but Sarah said I had to put up the one where I’m pushing out my belly beneath it. Enjoy.
Sarah is carrying those two beautifully! <3
My youngest is almost 8. I STILL remember how I pretty much felt like crap all the time during pregnancy.
BUT it does come to the end. And the kids are pretty wonderful. Most of the time.
It’s true… I had a rough pregnancy and a difficult labor, but once I saw Elizabeth… it was so worth it and I would do it again.